The Aurora Chamber of Commerce has taken positions on the following November 2016 ballot issues:
Amendment 69: ColoradoCare
Amendment 69 would eliminate ALL current Colorado benefit plans, to be replaced with benefits yet to be determined, to be serviced by an entity not yet identified, and to use healthcare providers yet to be named. This government run health care plan not only doubles the size of the state government, but has major implications for business. The Aurora Chamber of Commerce has joined an impressive list of bipartisan opposition from elected officials, organizations, and individuals.
Why does the Aurora Chamber oppose Amendment 69?
- Creates a $25 billion tax burden
- Politicians making healthcare decisions for all of us
- In the State Constitution – making it difficult to change in the future
- Colorado shouldn’t be the testing ground for a (national) single-payer policy
Amendment 70: Increase in Minimum Wage
Amendment 70 is part of a national push to increase the minimum wage. Since 2006, Colorado has raised its minimum wage by more than almost any other state, giving it one of the highest minimum wages in the country. Amendment 70 increases the existing minimum wage by more than 44 percent in the next four years for most entry-level workers and by nearly 70 percent for servers, bartenders and other tipped employees. This wage hike offers little flexibility to account for differences between rural and metro areas or compromise for the employers of tipped employees – damaging small businesses and ultimately hurting the workers it is intended to help.
Why does the Aurora Chamber oppose Amendment 70?
- It would reduce Colorado employment and depress wages in the state
- Deprives many young Coloradans of job opportunities and training
- Entry-level workers making $12/hour will pressure for wage raises for all employees, causing increased labor costs across the board
- In the State Constitution – making it difficult to change in the future
Amendment 71: Raise the Bar
Colorado has the easiest Constitution in the nation to amend. Every two years, special interest groups from across the country try to push their agendas into our constitution – costing the business community time and money. Amendment 71 aims to change that. First, Amendment 71 will raise the signature requirement to 2 percent of the registered voters in each Senate District. Once on the ballot, issues would need 55 percent of votes to pass, instead of the simple majority. This is a straightforward and commonsense way to protect our constitution. Aurora Chamber of Commerce has joined strong bipartisan support for Raise the Bar.
Why does the Aurora Chamber support Amendment 71?
- Gives voice to the entire State, as current law has no geographic requirements for collecting signatures.
- ‘Raises the Bar’ for changing the State Constitution
- Does not take away rights to propose changes or place initiatives on the ballot
- Reduces confusing and potentially unsustainable policies in the State Constitution
SCFD Funding: 4B
Voters are being asked to extend the Scientific & Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) funding until 2030. This sales tax, of one cent for every $10, helps fund more than 300 small and large cultural facilities throughout six metro area counties, including: Denver Zoo, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver Art Museum and Denver Botanic Gardens, among others. This fund plays an important role in maintaining Denver’s vibrant cultural scene, and has a huge impact on the local economy. The SCFD generates $1.85 billion annually in economic activity, supports more than 10,205 jobs and boosts tourism by nearly $520 million.
Why does the Aurora Chamber support 4B?
- Over the past 20 years, SCFD has earned Denver great attention for support of the arts; 4B keeps the ball rolling
- Enhances access to educational opportunities and programming for more than 4.25 million school children
- Supplements and supports continued growth for the Arts
Cherry Creek School District: 3A & 3B
Voters in the Cherry Creek School District are being asked to support two funding measures. Measure 3A seeks $23.9 million in a budget (mill levy override) issue and Measure 3B seeks $250 million in a bond issue. This crucial funding financially accommodates for growing class sizes, recruiting quality teachers, the district to invest in S.T.E.M. education initiatives, to protect students with updated security and surveillance systems, and to maintain the district’s national reputation for academic excellence – which in turn increases property values and spurs further economic growth.
Why does the Aurora Chamber support 3A & 3B
- Allows the school district to provide a comprehensive curriculum, preparing students for post-secondary success
- Provides resources for student and staff safety
- Better schools equals higher property values
Aurora Public Schools: 3C
Voters in the Aurora Public Schools district are being asked to support a $300 million bond measure that would go toward financing the construction of a new school to serve grades six to 12 in northwest Aurora, a new P-8 school in east Aurora, and the replacement of both Mracheck Middle School and Lyn Know Elementary, among many other projects. If approved, the measure would increase residential property taxes by $1.93 per month for every $100,000 of home value.
Why does the Aurora Chamber support 3C
- Funds construction of much-needed additional schools
- Every school in APS will benefit and receive funding for remodel, replacement, or upgrades.
The Chamber’s Government Affairs, Education, and Energy committee is sponsored by Pinnacol Assurance.
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