Aurora Chamber of Commerce

Technology in the Workplace – Women in Business / November 15, 2017

In November, the Women in Business committee and the Young Professionals partnered for a joint event hosted at the Regis University DTC Campus. The presentation attracted more than 60 Chamber members, and included a catered lunch from Jason’s Deli.

Dr. Shari Plantz-Masters, dean of Regis University College of Computer and Information Sciences spoke about how technology continues to impact the workplace.

Dr. Plantz-Masters began the presentation with a detailed background on the origins of technology. She then transitioned into how technology is now shaping the way we work. She offered that there are so many ways people can communicate, complete projects, and increase productivity, that it is often difficult for organizations to keep up. Being aware of changing times and keeping in mind the goals of the organization are key when determining how you want to – and can best utilize technology.

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