Aurora Chamber of Commerce

The Facts about Diabetes – Work Well 2.0 Health Series / August 9, 2018

Theresa Smith, RD, and Clinton Whatley with Tri-County Health Department began their presentation about lifestyle change and diabetes education by showing a slide with some Hollywood stars that either have prediabetes or diabetes – to show that the disease can affect anyone, even some who seem healthy and in shape. (Halle Berry (type 2), Nick Jonas (type 1), Alec Baldwin (pre-diabetes), Selma Hayek (gestational diabetes))

The statistics are staggering: 30.3 million people have diabetes, with another 84 million with pre-diabetes. There are risk factors that can’t be changed, such as family history, age, and ethnicity; and there are factors that can decrease the risk of diabetes, such as weight control, diet, physical activity, and control of blood pressure.

Smith and Whatley introduced two educational diabetes programs that they will bring to workplaces, in order to reduce the risks of diabetes – in addition to making the workforce healthier! For more information about the programs, call (720) 266-2971 or email You can also go online: or

The grant through CDPHE has been renewed for another three-year cycle, which means that The Chamber and Tri-County Health Department will continue with the Work Well 2.0 Health Series for another three years; providing healthy workplace assessments, informational meetings and advising, camaraderie with other coalition members, funding opportunities, and FUN.

This free, Chamber ‘healthy’ benefit program is available for all Chamber member organizations/companies.

Contact for information.

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