On Feb. 3, 2016, The Chamber Transportation committee heard updates from Jerome Estes, CDOT Project Director about the C-470 expansion, and from Steve Cook, DRCOG MPO Planning Program Manager about transportation planning for the region.
A few highlights from each presentation:
C-470 Express Lanes:
- Generally, one tolled express lane in each direction on C-470 between I-25 and Wadsworth
- Specifically, two westbound tolled express lanes from I-25 to Colorado and eastbound tolled express lane from Wadsworth to west of Platte is an Additional Requested Element
- Auxiliary lanes in required locations
- Safety and operational improvements between I-25 and Quebec
- Improvements to ramps including direct-connect ramps at I-25 and C-470
- Water-quality features and noise barriers
- ITS elements and tolling equipment
- Bike/ Pedestrian Trail Grade Separations at Quebec and Colorado (Possibly Yosemite)
DRCOG Transportation Planning Update:
Regional Growth – by 2040
- 1.2 million more people will live in the Denver region
- Vehicle miles traveled will increase by about 32%
- Severely congested roads will double
- Age 60+ population share will go from 18% to 25%
Transportation Topics
- New Federal FAST Act – transportation bill
- Safety – traffic fatalities on the rise
- Increase in bicycle and pedestrian use
- Connections to transit stations
- Aerotropolis
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